Dr. Nutan Kher

( Skills & Achievements )

Achievements and contributions in the field of yoga are noteworthy.

  • Dr Nutan’s quest for knowledge knew no boundaries. She learnt that our shastras are the source of all universal wisdom. Her passion to learn from our ancient Indian scriptures was so strong that to do so she even learnt Sanskrit. It helped her to quench her thirst for ancient Indian knowledge by throughly understanding our scriptures.
  • She discovered various healing modalities along with 4000 yrs – 5000 yrs old life changing facts about our lives, cosmic vibrations and healing frequencies. Be it Vedas, Upnishads or any other ancient scriptures, she left no stone unturned to discover the truth in them.
  • Dr Nutan’s research was so intense that in the process she even acquired the doctorate degree in ancient Indian History. It not only connected her with our past but also gave her wisdom to lead entire humanity and future generations.
  • She has many formal credits in healing modalities, namely; Prosperity Workshop Leader, Holistic Healer, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, EFT Matrices Practitioner, NLP Breakthrough Coach, Crystals Healer, Angel Healer and Angel Card Reader to name a few. She also practices Aura Reading, Vibration Reading and Flower Therapy which comes naturally to her.
Dr. Nutan Kher Jahnavi Wellness
Jahnavi Wellness Jahnavi Wellness

Dr. Nutan Kher

( Highlight's )

Here are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but majority have suffered alteration
in some form from injected humour, or randomized words which don't looking even slightly believable.
If you are going have suffered alteration.

Dr. Nutan Kher

Dr Nutan is Best Reiki Grandmaster in Delhi. She is a Famous Reiki Healer & Prosperity Workshop leader in Delhi/ India. crystal healing workshops in India.

Our Vision

Academic Pursuits


Reiki Grandmaster


Clinical Hypnotherapist

EFT Practitioner

EFT Practitioner

Matrix Practitioner

Matrix Practitioner

Chakra Healer

Chakra Healer


Mentorship & Guidance